Vistamax Productions

Show Off Your New Product Line With Direct Response TV

Show Off Your New Product Line With Direct Response TV

The largest companies around the world use direct response TV as a key element in their overall marketing strategy. Direct response television was launched as a way of giving consumers a more interactive form of advertising. By asking the consumer to take action, such as call an 800 number, these ads have become an integral part of launching product lines and generating sales leads. Whether your company is large or small, DRTV can be an important part of your advertising strategy.

Main Types of Direct Response TV

When it’s time to move forward with the production process, you can opt for one of two types of direct response TV—long form or short form. Long form ads are longer than 2 minutes and short form ads are 2 minutes or less. Let Vistamax Productions give you access to unparalleled expertise in direct response TV, corporate video production, and many other essential services.